M O N U M E N T A L! PAUL EVANS TABLE LAMP PRE – CITYSCAPE DESIGN P a t i n a t e d B r a s s , H a n d c r a f t e d M a p l e W o o d & L i n e n S h a d e. H E I G H T : 3 6 ” W I D T H : 1 6 “. Paul Evans is most noted for his cityscape designs of the mid 70s which became iconic examples of the seventies deco-revival. But just prior to this period he created some very elegant and rich mid century lamps that already hint at the deco aesthetic with their clean lines, statuesque quality and monumental size. This lamp is a work of art. The quality in the thin sheets of maple veneer fit together to create a consistent grain flow around the lamp is simply amazing. It harks to the fitment of veneers in Rolls Royce motorcars and shows an attention to detail and a skill of craftsmanship that just doesn’t exist anymore. The design is timeless. It looks as contemporary today as it did nearly half a century ago! The verdigris on the base is now perfect after this time period and this lamp manages to convey that it is a monument that has seen the passage of many decades – yet is ageless! Lamp is in superb condition. The wood has only very slight wear. The metal pieces show tarnish and the base shows verdigris and the coloration that only decades can create. All original electrics work perfectly. This gorgeous lamp will complement any distinguished interior, whether it be a NY penthouse, case study home, California mansion or atomic ranch. G O R G E O U S I L L U M I N A T I O N F O R Y O U R L U X U R I O U S I N T E R I O R S!