E X Q U I S I T E! RAYMOR I T A L I A N L A M P. S T U N N I N G A B S T R A C T! A p p r o x i m a t e l y 10 ” x 12 ” Italian designers came up with some of the most fantastic, modernist lamps for Raymor in the mid century period. They were unlike any lamps ever seen before and their creativity seemed to have no limits as he created works of art that, to this day, defy description and all the conventional paradigms of illumination! Here is an abstract lamp that is a piece fitting for the Museum of Modern Art! This lamp is a tour de force of style! Porcelain body with hand painted abstract designs that evoke designs by Mondrian. A capiz shell shade made of squares in the shape of a square is just unbelievable! Almost nothing like it came before or after! This work of art has a visual appeal that can’t be beat. Very fine vintage condition. Switch on cord A simply delicious addition to the decor in your NY Penthouse, Palm Springs Atomic Ranch or Beverly Hills Estate! G o r g e o u s I t a l i a n E y e C a n d y F o r Y o u r S t u n n i n g I n t e r i o r s!